Father Property Equal Rights & Detonating Relationships for TRP
The shocking headline “बेटे सादी तक, लेकिन बेटियां हमेशा बेटियां रहती हैं, सम्पत्ति पर बराबर हक” astonished as many Indian’s drawing heated arguments and criticism.
(*Note the phrase can nowhere be found in the Honourable Supreme Court Judgment) such tag lines, reckless comments, perception & feminism are the trigger in breaking relationship in the Indian Family System, till now there was tiffs only between Husband + in-laws vs Wife but now brothers & sisters relationship are also at the verge of getting collapsed.
The above post was shared by a fellow survivor brother from fake cases!
1st Person Comment on the post: “Aadmi nah ghar ka rahega nah biwi ka, where is equal rights?”
[*Note: The above first comment on the newspaper heading is from a brother who is nowhere related to “Hindu Marriage Act” but has each & every relation with brothers of Men Rights Movement]
2nd Person Comment: “Your father gives birth to two kids both should be entitled to his assets after him irrespective of the gender.”
Isn’t the above second comment sounding more reasonable, practical & gender equal. Don’t you think everything in the above comment is equal-equal & women’s right is secured?
But then a 3rd comment came from a fellow survivor brother from fake cases “that a woman get’s property both of husband & father but would the same be applicable in case of a man”.
If a man would demand equal share from his wife on the in in-laws property (wife father property that wife has received as equal co passers imagine what odyssey a husband would have to go through – first & foremost he would be roped in dowry harassment cases, domestic violence case & what not!
4th comments from a senior Men Rights Activist favoring the equal share for a woman in fathers property
“इसमे नई बात क्या है बहुत पुराना कानून है …. … समस्या कहाँ है सोचने वाली बात है”
“यह पुराना कानून है … … जब लड़के को सम्पति अपने नाम लिखवानी होती है तब लड़कियों से सिग्नेचर करवाये जाते है … … यह किसी विवाद के मसले में Hon’ble SC ने डिसिशन मात्र दिया है हैडलाइन TRP के हिसाब से बनती है!”
“लेना क्या चाहते है एक पिता की पूरी सम्पति क्यों आखिर समस्या कहा है?”
“इसे इस तरह से देखा जाना चाहिए …. किसी जमाने में शादी के समय लड़की को कुछ सामान दिया जाता था … एक तरीके से हिस्सा वह अलग बात है की जब पति पत्नी के बीच में तनाव होता है तब यही बेटी को दिया गया संपत्ति स्त्रिधन दहेज में दिया गया समान के रूप में बदल दिया जाता है ताकि कैसे में दम भरा जा सके और एक अब्ला तो नाय मिल सके”
“अभी इसे गैरकानूनी या खतरनाक बना दिया गया है ऐसे में हिस्सा दिया जाना चाहिए।“
By this time the reader of this article would be convinced yes the paper article shared above is correct & property of a father is to be divided equally among siblings without any gender discrimination.
Hold on!!! Did you read Equal Rights? No Gender Discrimination?
Sorry such high value words & rights are not applicable for Men’s, cause it is a fact men has been pleased and or forced to sacrifice & curtail his rights & voice. A Men has always been a sufferer & would always remain a sufferer as there are no laws & commission to protect the rights of men.
Men’s in India are Deprived by Law, Money, Property & Relationships.
Readers do u think a woman claim in property of father as well as in laws make woman at par with man or doesn’t it make her more superior in terms of assets that she can procure without giving her blood & sweat to make the property grow or by paying for any expenses to maintain such properties?
I have experience where a daughter in law had right to in-laws property & had solo share in her husband property. She didn’t take a single penny with her after her re-marriage as she wanted to maintain a very cordial relationship with here earlier in-laws & trusted her brother-in-laws more as compared to her new in laws and her parents.
It is the daughter who should consider that the stridhan, time to time ritual money & gifts to her & her family members are greater or less valuable as compared to the rights she wants to claim in parental property.
She should also work out on the load & efforts she had taken after her marriage to grow & safeguard her parental property as compared to her brothers and was she the person who take care of her old aged and or ailing parents. So in such cases she should think as many times whether to exercise her rights in claiming the properties of her father as she already has a foot holding further her consideration not to claim her parental properties would give a better space & cushion with her brothers & her relationships with them.
I know many of you wouldn’t agree with me so allow me to show you little glimpse of Indian society culture and their discounting daughters & her family life future after her marriage.
In India since centuries when a daughter gets married her parents gifts her with ornaments, money, utensils, clothing & day to day needs as per their than net worth, so, that a daughter who is going into her in-laws family don’t go through any hardships & can secure her and her family future if they at all go through rough times by utilizing the ornaments & money. These items are considered as her stridhan which also includes the gifts from her husband, her in-laws and their family & friends. It is also a fact that during any festival, rituals & ceremony a daughter, her husband & her children’s always get money and or gifts from her parents & her brother. Whereas the same extravagance by the same parent is not applicable in case of a son.
It is to be noted that a boy generally stays with his parents, take care of them, when parents grows old he tries his level best to provide them not only food, clothing, medical care but he has also to maintain “the same extravagance” for his sister. During his sisters or maternal aunt children’s marriage his parents and or he himself have to provide for “Mayara” (second installment of stridhan according to his parents and or his present net worth) to the daughters of the family.
From the above it is very much clear that a daughter of a family time to time is provided monetary & customary gifts. Just question yourself that considering the above a daughter using her rights to claim her parental properties till what extent it is correct? Could we still claim that a son has equal rights as compared to a daughter?
I am sorry to say that this is a new way to break the Indian family system as it has been witnessed that sibling’s relations have deteriorated due to property claims among siblings. Though this is my personal view but overall if chooses to exercise this right of her than it would only lead to breakage or cold war like scenarios in relationship in “90% of the cases.”
If a daughter still considers that she has equal rights in her parent’s properties than wouldn’t it be fair enough that the property she is considering to claim is assessed along with the stridhan & time to time gifts given to her & her family as compared son’s of the family. She foregoes her rights & claims on “Mayara”. Shouldn’t the efforts & expenses of the son’s be considered as he safeguard the parental property and or expanded the properties & the family Business?
It is “she” who knows where to use her rights in between properties & relationships. Have seen families where they haven’t claim anything even after the Hon’ble court decisions in favour of them & have also witnessed cases where due to such right & claims exercised it has resulted in strain relationships between the siblings.
I was astonished in the morning of the above news & news paper headlines when all of a sudden my mother started a discussion on the above topic where her end remark was giving such rights to daughters would only result in fight and tension between the siblings. Interesting is that my mother added another point that according to traditions all the property would go to the youngest son but there won’t be any fight for properties between the siblings & they would live happily. But now these laws and rights have lead to high tension & fight between siblings.
By the way I feel that there would be more cases on husband by wife calming that her husband was pressuring her to exercise her right and lay claim on her parental & ancestral properties. Due to such pressure her relationship with her brother has obliterated.
Even worse is about to come.
“A brother can be roped in fake cases by his sister!”
I feel readers won’t believe this, just because they don’t want to believe. Otherwise there are many examples in our own society. Two examples i can use here :
(1) Firstly a girl claimed she was pregnant after being raped by her brother and father. Now after a few years, but the fact is she was pregnant because of her boyfriend and that is the proven fact.
(2) Second example is from Rajasthan where a married girl took a signature from her dying mother and she got all the property, bank balance, jewellery on her name and the rest of the brothers & sisters got nothing. Other relatives are demanding their share. She chose property when relatives told them to give their share or face the consequence. Now they are fighting in court.
These two example are sufficient to explain the consequences. More tough time are ahead for males in this Indian law system, where women’s can claim any relief as a men rights are assumed & allowed to be truncated.
Couldn’t stop myself from sharing the Last Comment on the topic
“एक बेटी की सोच होनी चाहिए कि वह जिंदगी भर तो पावना के हिसाब से लेते आइ क्या उसे वापस प्रॉपर्टी में राइट मांगना चाहिए?
जब इतना ही पुरुष का मुकाबला है और अपने आप को इक्वल समझते हैं तो आत्मनिर्भर बने!”
From the above it is very clear a son can’t claim and get equal rights & share in his father property as compared to the cultural & legal rights of the daughter.
Men’s for eternity have put in effort to maintain firm relationship with his family members now it’s the woman turn. Greed is something that needs to be squeezed & contained.
We all know it is tough but it is not unachievable.
Kindly Note: The author is not against daughter rights on her father property but has tried to signify the other side of the coin & presented scenarios that could avoid litigation between siblings